Imagine Embracing, Accepting, & Not Questioning Our Imperfections

Imagine embracing, accepting, and not questioning our imperfections the same way we do with nature. 

I have often found trees, plants, and nature in general that weren’t in “great” conditions but still could see the beauty in them. 

For example, this plant that I am looking at in this picture is a bit broken but it’s still beautiful. 

I wonder how we could look at parts of ourselves that we perceive as “broken” as still beautiful.

I wonder how we could embrace, accept, and not question the parts of ourselves we perceive as “broken, bad, or wrong.”

I am in the process of slowly learning how to embrace, accept and not question myself with my imperfections, flaws, shadows, or parts of me that are “broken.” I am slowly letting go of the idea that something is wrong with me and I will share that recognizing the beauty within me is still hard because my anxiety tends to cloud it all. 

I hope this can serve as a reminder for us who struggle with self-judgment or self-acceptance that even with our imperfections, flaws, shadows, or “broken” parts of ourselves, we are still beautiful. 

Thank you for reading <3

P.S – If you are in a place in your life looking for support in your self-love journey, I’d love to help you as your coach. Book a call with me here!

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