Is There A Right Time To Start?

Is there a right time to start working on your goals, bringing an idea to life, or pursuing your dreams? 

Most coaches, mentors, entrepreneurs, etc. would say there is no right time and that if you wait for the right moment or to feel ready to start, you will be waiting forever. In fact, they will encourage you to start now regardless of how you feel. 

While I truly understand this viewpoint, I have a different perspective based on my personal experience. 

I believe there is a right time and at the same time there isn’t, here is why…

Back in 2021, I wanted to pursue life coaching so I began to look into programs and attended free webinars to learn about business. However, due to my confusion, uncertainty, doubt, and mental health, I never pursued it. In many ways you can say I was looking for the “right time or to feel ready” moment to start working on becoming a coach. 

It wasn’t until 2023 when I found myself feeling more open to exploring coaching which is something I could not feel back in 2021. I loved that I had this feeling of openness which allowed me to finally sign up for a coaching certification program last year. 

If I had pushed myself to do it a couple of years ago, I don’t think I could have approached life coaching the way I am today with a sense of openness. If I would have made the decision to pursue life coaching back then regardless if I had felt “ready or not,” I probably would have missed out on the beautiful and hard lessons I gained while feeling uncertain, doubtful, and confused.

Here are some of the things I learned a few years ago when I was feeling uncertain, doubtful, confused, and not ready to pursue something new with life coaching: 

I’ve learned how making a career the center of who you are can really limit your vision and also prevent you from exploring yourself outside of your work. Because of this, I’ve been able to detach myself from my “school counselor” identity and not make a career the center of who I am. So as I pursue dancing, blogging, and coaching, I am aware to not make this the center of who I am.

I learned about not attaching myself so much to the outcome of goals or new things I am pursuing. It’s important to not attach yourself to the outcome of goals because it may not go as expected so instead it may be helpful to approach goals or a new path with an open mind. 

I’ve come to understand that confusion is not a bad thing. In fact, confusion means that you are questioning which leads to learning. Being confused is an opportunity to explore and be curious about new things. 

The unknown or the in between of what is old and what is to come is actually a beautiful and hard place to be but it’s where so much growth, learning, and discovery happens. 

So with all of that being said, do I regret not starting sooner? No, in many ways I am grateful for the challenges I went through because now I get to approach a new path with different perspectives that I just shared above. 

As I look back, I can say for myself that it wasn’t the “right time” to pursue life coaching. It wasn’t the right time for me because I had to go through what I went through to be where I am today with the lessons I gained. As a result of what I experienced, I can honestly say it feels better to now be pursuing something different for myself given everything I have learned the past few years. 

Does this mean that when I signed up for the coaching certification program that I felt 100% ready? The funny thing about this is that yes I felt ready but surely afterwards I was spiraling in doubt to the point that I cried in front of my peer coaches in the program while they supported me. 

So if you were to ask me, “Is there a right time to start working on your goals, bringing an idea to life, or pursuing your dreams?” 

I would say yes and no. 

Yes because I do believe people need time to reflect and process whatever it is that is coming up for them. The reflecting and processing looks differently and the amount of time varies for all of us. I also believe that in the “waiting to be ready” phase, you can learn a lot about yourself and consider different points of views from others (friends, coaches, mentors, etc.). 

I would as well say no because I have also learned that no matter how much time you take to reflect and process the decision you want to make about your goal, idea, or dream, the doubt or uncertainty will always creep in. In other words, there will always be some form of doubt, fear, or uncertainty in the background when you are about to pursue what is in your heart whether you feel 100% ready or not. 

So I leave you with this. . .

It’s okay to sit with the goal, idea, or dream you want to pursue. 

It’s okay to meditate on it. 

It’s okay to pray on it. 

It’s okay to listen to your heart, mind, & soul. 

It’s okay to consult with others you trust about this decision you want to make. 

It’s okay to start something when you truly feel ready in your own way, have better clarity, and when the time is right…FOR YOU! 

It’s also important to know that if you keep waiting, you run the risk of never starting.

Even when you feel “ready” and you go after your goals, ideas, or dreams…the doubt and uncertainty will most likely sneak up on you. 

And when it does, you will need to learn how to keep going even with the discomfort and trust that you will be okay. 

If you are in a place in your life where you feel ready to pursue something that is in your heart but overthinking, doubt, and fear are holding you back, I’d love to support you with this as your coach! Book a call with me here

Thank you for reading <3

If you got up till this point, what’s your take on this? Do you believe there is a right time to start? 

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