Life Updates. . .

Today, I felt like sharing a little life update on my blog since it’s been a while. 

But first I want to say thank you to my subscribers and those who are here reading this. I truly appreciate your time and interest/curiosity in what I have to share. I really mean it. I am grateful you are here. 

So what has Anina been up to? 

Back in February, I decided that I no longer wanted to repress who I am. I no longer wanted to repress who I wanted to become. I no longer wanted to repress my dreams, desires, ideas, and curiosities. I no longer wanted to repress my desire to express myself. I no longer wanted to repress how I wanted to show up in real life and online. I no longer wanted to repress my need to grow and transform. 

The reason for this is because for some time I was judging myself for having certain desires, interests, and needs. It was almost like I was pushing these things to the side. But, then I asked myself, “How can I no longer repress the areas I judge myself for?” I realized that I needed to embrace these desires, interests, and my need to personally evolve. Instead of judging myself, I thought to myself, “how can I welcome these things and honor them in ways that feel good and balanced?”

After reflecting on this, I decided that I was going to set new goals and continue to work on myself. In order to help me with this, I hired a life coach! It’s been a few months since I started working with my life coach and I’m loving it so much! I’ve known my life coach for many years and she is a woman I admire and adore. She is helping me with mindfulness and posing questions that help me deeply reflect. It truly feels good to know I have someone there supporting and guiding me along the way. It makes a world of a difference! I highly recommend life coaching for anyone who is looking to continue doing the inner work. I got a life coach because I needed to honor my desire to grow and I knew a life coach could help me with that! 

Another thing I decided to embrace a little more was my desire to create content for social media. I used to think it was weird or silly that I was creating quotes or reels. I judged myself for wanting to even create quotes and reels. You see? I was judging myself for certain things I wanted to do (btw, I know where this self-judgment comes from but that can be saved for another time). But after reflecting on how I no longer wanted to repress my creativity, I decided to create and share a little bit more. I told myself I am just going to create and share because I want to. PERIOD. No reason needed. Yes, while I am not active on social media as much because I show up when I want to and feel called to…today I can say I feel better about simply creating and sharing. And, if what I share helps someone along the way…that is a major plus! 

In addition to life coaching and embracing my creativity, I signed up for the gym because my mental health wasn’t doing so well during the fall/winter. I found myself overthinking so much and truthfully there was a time when I was crying every week. I think I was experiencing some depression. Through this experience, I felt that I needed to respond differently to my challenges. Sometimes you get to a certain point in your life when you are left with no other choice but to respond differently to things that aren’t working in order to create the change you want to see and feel. I felt like I got to that point. At times my mental health felt like it was better and at times I felt like I was sinking again so I knew I had to add working out to my lifestyle. I needed my brain to produce positive and feel good chemicals. So I decided to start working out at the gym and I can certainly feel a difference in my mental health. I feel overall better. Thankfully!

Finally, I started taking dance classes again! Dancing has always been a dream of mine. It’s a dream that has been with me since I was a teenager. I told myself I could no longer let time pass without me pursuing this dream of mine. I have a dream of being a dancer who is confident, sexy, and sensual. I have so much passion inside of me and I feel that dance is one way of expressing this passion of mine. I could no longer push this dream to the side! Currently, I am in a dance program that is giving me a taste of neo-burlesque, chairography, heels, and hip-hop. For 2 weeks we practice a specific dance style routine and then move on to the next. It is so much fun! I can see a different side to me and how I am slowly building confidence, sensuality, and sexiness! LOL! I certainly have my doubts and compared myself but I try to remain grounded in enjoying myself and embracing the process. 

I’m learning to not repress my dreams, ideas, goals, interests, and needs. I am learning to embrace who I am and who I want to become. I love being on this journey! 

That’s it! I know this was me just sharing a life update but I hope you got something out of it. Maybe a hidden lesson or new perspective. Are there things you judge yourself for? Are there things about yourself that you repress? How can you start embracing different aspects of yourself? If you feel comfortable, let me know in the comments below or on social media! I’d love to hear and process with you! 

Thank you so much for reading!

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For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been working on another blog post. It’s taking some time but almost done! So stay tuned!