Looking For That Spark

I don’t know what to call my writings sometimes. I know when I write blog posts they are called blog posts lol. But when I write something like a poem, I hesitate to call it a poem because I don’t know if it’s a poem. It may be my own self-doubt. Either way, I wrote a little something that I would like to share: 

I am looking for that passion I used to feel in my 20s.

The drive I had.

The ambition I had.

The zest for life I had.

I’m looking for that spark.

And, I think that spark is still flickering.

I know it’s there…it’s small & trying to stay alive.

It’s what has gotten me to pick up this pen & write at this moment.

For sometime now, it’s been hard to tap into those parts of me that knew what she wanted & pursued it.

Did I change?

Or is something mentally happening with me?

I want to feel that passion and zest for life again.

There is a part of me that hopes I can find it again.

I hope I didn’t lose it.

And, if it’s lost, I can find it.

I just gotta follow the light of the small spark that is flickering inside of me.

Writing this provided me a release. I cried writing it and really wanted to share it. Thank you for being here! <3

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