Reflecting On The Full Moon In Scorpio

The Full Moon in Scorpio was in full effect on May 16, 2022. I certainly felt the intensity of this Full Moon so much so that on my way to work that day I was feeling super emotional. 

During that morning, I was thinking about some of the challenges I’ve been having in my dancing journey. I think I’m becoming more aware that there is this underlying doubt and fear I have about not being able to learn how to dance professionally. Since I was thinking about this, I decided to look at old videos and pictures of me when I first started learning how to dance back in my early 20s. I did this to remind myself that if I was able to learn in the past then I can do it again. As I was looking through old memories of me dancing and performing salsa on 2, I found myself crying before I got to work. 

Me on the Monday I am talking about. I know it’s odd to take a picture of ourselves when crying but I feel like I want to share what it’s really like to be on this journey and show you all sides of it (the pretty and not so pretty parts).

I was crying because I really want to become the dancer of my dreams. I have this vision of myself that I want to bring to life. For some reason, this overwhelms me with so much emotion. When I am dreaming about dancing, I feel so much passion and inspiration that it makes me cry. 

Even though I have taken the first step in learning how to dance professionally by taking classes, I am realizing that there is so much I need to work on in order to become the dancer I want to be. I need to eat better, work out more, stretch, learn ballet to build my foundation, and much more. This dancing journey is definitely going to be a journey for sure. 

This same morning, at work something happened that sent me into an emotional whirlwind. Without sharing details, I went to the bathroom and I called my friend to explain what happened as I cried. Then, I sent a voice note to my life coach. As I was trying to process what I was going through, I couldn’t really understand what was happening. But, something was happening (if you know what I mean). I tried to gather myself together before I went back to the office. 

So you’re probably wondering what this has to do with the Full Moon? 

Well, I’ll share again that I do think that this Full Moon definitely was having an effect on me. And, I must say that my hormones had nothing to do with this because my time of the month finished the week before so I know for sure energetically I was feeling it from the Moon! 

But, what I really want to share in this blog post is what the Full Moon in Scorpio means and how it may be causing certain changes and shifts in my life. 

As I was reading about what the Full Moon in Scorpio means on the Moon Omens page, I was learning that it’s about accepting change, celebrating the process of outgrowing past versions of ourselves, owning our desires, and separating ourselves from what has lost meaning. 

When I was reading about this, it resonated so much! 

Lately, I’ve been questioning if I am changing. Sometimes I doubt that I am and that I’m driving myself crazy. Sometimes, I can’t believe that I am going through these pulls and shifts. 

Here are some changes I am going through: 

I no longer feel the same passion for my career as I used to.

I have different interests and curiosities. 

I am aware of how much of a big dreamer I could be and how far my imagination can take me. 

As much as I love a growth mindset and level up attitude, I feel that I am learning to be more mindful and grounded. I am learning to just be. I am learning to surrender and simply embrace what is. I am learning to come from a place of curiosity and play and not seriousness. 

I feel like I’m yearning for something more. 

I guess these are some of the changes that I am learning to accept. I am learning to own more of my desires and no longer repress them or judge myself for having different desires. I am learning to allow myself to imagine what is possible for my life. I am learning to allow myself to try new things such as blogging more. I am trying to pursue my dream of being a dancer. I am learning to accept how my journey is turning out to be. I am learning to accept the connections I am making about my own story. I am learning to be okay with being in the unknown. I am learning to be okay with “what has lost meaning,” especially my career. As I mentioned before, I don’t feel the same passion I once did for my career which I find crazy because it’s something I always wanted to do. 

With all of that being said, I feel that the Full Moon in Scorpio that just passed meant something for me which is why I decided to write about it and share it here on my blog. I feel like it was a special Full Moon because even the messages that I received through my tarot and oracle deck aligned so much with what I am experiencing. 

My Full Moon ritual

The message I got from Page of Wands is that I am feeling more ready to try something new. Also that I am looking for more growth and potential in different places. The card also means that there is a journey calling me and that I am curious and intrigued. 

From my oracle deck, I got the Spiritual Journey card which is so similar to the Page of Wands. The message I received from the oracle card was about me being supported as I start something new or go on adventure (which I have given thought to). The card is a sign that I am supported as I embrace new ways of expressing myself. 

On the night of the Full Moon in Scorpio, I got the idea of releasing one blog post per week for 4 weeks and here I am finishing up my first blog post for week 1. 

If you got up to this point, THANK YOU for being here! I am excited to see what I’ll be writing about in these upcoming weeks and sharing it! 

How did the Full Moon in Scorpio feel for you? Any personal reflections and connections? 

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