Still Here & Trying To Figure Things Out

I’ve been officially on my summer vacation since 12pm last Friday and I am now finally sitting down to write for my blog. 

As I was working on a new blog post, I felt like sharing some updates/thoughts. 

I’m still here and trying to figure things out. 

Even though, it’s been a few days since I began my vacation, I still feel like I am in haze. 

There is still a part of me that wants to “figure things out” and know what exactly I want in order to pursue it.

But the truth is…I am not sure what I want next in my life. 

I know I want to dance. 

I know I want to keep exploring writing.

I know I want to express myself. 

I know I want to take care of my mental health and now that I was sick the past few weeks with a fever and rash…I need to pay attention to my physical health more. 

I think there is a part of me that wants to know the big picture or vision in order for me to pursue something officially. I guess for clarity sake.

And then, I am reminded that I don’t need to know. 

I don’t need to know the path.

I can take it step by step and discover the path as I go. 

But man, my ambition is not the same as it was in my 20s. 

It’s been hard to tap into that part of myself to go all in on dancing and writing. 

It’s been especially more hard when I am working and I am so tired after work that I just lounge on my couch on my phone lol. (Even though I don’t have social media anymore, I find myself on Youtube now lmao! Trying to cut down by deleting all apps that keep me on my phone). 

But now that the summer is here and I am on vacation for about 7 weeks, I want to be more intentional about dedicating more time to dance, writing, and taking care of me. 

So that is where I am at!

My little update for you all. 

If you got till this point, thank you for reading and being here. Truly. Thank you.

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