What I Learned From Working With 3 Life Coaches

I’ve worked with 3 different life coaches so far in my personal growth journey and I love it!

I had my last session with my 3rd life coach recently and I thought it would be a good idea to share some significant things I’ve learned from all of the life coaches I’ve worked with. 

I certainly feel like I’ve grown and learned so much from these amazing life coaches but won’t be sharing every little detail because that would turn into a whole essay! LOL! Instead, I will share a couple of things I feel that have left the most impact on me for each coach. 

Brenda Ramos – Life & Mindfulness Coach

Brenda Ramos is a life and mindfulness coach and the name of her business is Authentic Whole Self. She is the first coach I’ve worked with and I worked with her twice! That’s how good she is! Here are two of the biggest things I’ve learned from working with Brenda: 

Sometimes we tend to judge who we are and question the decisions we need to make. I’ve definitely been there and still at times struggle with self-judgment and questioning if I am making the right decisions. In my early 20s, I used to judge myself for doing certain things that I actually enjoyed. Brenda helped me view myself in a different perspective which resulted in me owning who I am and loving the parts of myself I was disapproving of. 

She has also helped me to feel confident in the hard decisions I wanted and needed to make. For instance, there were times when I needed to have hard conversations with certain people in my life to address some issues. I would second guess myself or question if I was wrong for feeling the way I did. However, Brenda guided me in validating my experiences, reminding me that I knew what was best for me, and how to honor that by speaking up for myself and making decisions that really aligned with my wants/needs.

In the world of personal growth, we can all agree that we get so caught up in pursuing goals, dreams, ideas that sometimes we forget to be present in the now. Brenda has taught me the difference between doing vs. being. For example, when I was pursuing dance again, I kept thinking about the dancer I wanted to be and the end goal (doing). But through Brenda’s coaching, she taught me how to really embrace, enjoy, and be in the moments of dancing while I was learning and pursuing my dancing dream (being). 

Sonia Alejandra Saunders – Life Coach & Speaker 

Sonia Alejandra Saunders is a life coach and speaker. She is the creator and founder of Mujeron Movement. Sonia’s inspiring story was what drew me to work with her. I’ve had the opportunity to work with Sonia in her group coaching program called Mujeron University. Here are a couple of things that have left a impact on me working with her: 

Being a part of the Mujeron group coaching program helped me to dream bigger than ever before. The workshops and questions Sonia presented led me to really look within myself and imagine/dream about what else I can do with my life. Not only did it help me envision something different for myself, Sonia’s program helped me gain the tools I need to make my dreams or ideas come to life. 

The other great thing about Sonia is how she is able to create community and help us understand the importance of working with coaches and others on a similar path for support and accountability. In Mujeron University, Sonia paired us up with an accountability buddy so that we can build connections. Additionally, I had the opportunity to meet other women in this program and we have celebrated with each other till this day. I even had someone in the group reach out to me because they wanted some insight on something I was working on in my personal journey. It was beautiful to receive support and also provide it for others too. Finally, Sonia was holding me accountable for an idea I had and that helped me to work more seriously towards bringing it to life. 

Audrey Diaz – Life & Confidence Coach 

Audrey Diaz is a life and confidence coach. She is also a speaker and the co-founder of The Dream Lab. I’ve also had the opportunity to see Audrey speak at The Dream Lab conference which is part of the reason why I worked with her because her words really spoke to my soul. Here are two of the biggest things I’ve learned from working with her: 

One of the things I’ve learned with Audrey is that you become the woman you envision by practicing and doing what your future self would do today. My whole life I always had this vision of the woman I wanted to become. It was like I was pursuing a future version of myself without realizing that I can actually be that version of myself today. 

Let’s use the example of how my whole life I wanted to be a dancer. As I shared this with Audrey she would ask me questions such as, “What does a dancer do? What are their routines? How often do they practice?” These questions led me to reflect deeper about how to align my habits and routines so that I can be the dancer I envision myself becoming. You become who you want to be by doing the things your future self would do today. 

Finally, confidence is something I always wanted to work on. Through Audrey’s coaching, I was able to think about what confidence means and what it looks like. She helped me realize that there were many things I’ve done and am doing that a confident person would do. I truly think this is the most beautiful part about working with a life coach. They are able to help you see things in yourself that you probably weren’t aware of. Audrey helped me recognize that there were confident aspects of who I am and the things I am currently doing and this really allowed me to see myself in a different light. 

Final Thoughts 

I cannot rave enough about these 3 life coaches! I wouldn’t be writing a blog post about them if I did not feel like they made a difference in my life. 

Work with Brenda if you are looking to own who you are and radically love yourself all while building self-awareness and mindfulness. 

Work with Sonia if you have a dream, vision, or idea you want to bring to life and are looking for the mindset and tools to make it happen. 

Work with Audrey if you want to build confidence, work on your habits, and become the person you envision yourself becoming.


If you are new to all of this and are unsure of what life coaches do, I invite you to read this article to learn about what is a life coach A Life Coach Isn’t a Therapist, but Here’s What They Do 

Thank you for reading <3

If you got up till this point, are you new to the idea of working with a life coach? Do any of these coaches draw your attention? What’s your take on life coaching? 

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