You Don’t Need To Have It Figured Out

As someone who knew what she wanted from a very young age, my path was pretty much clear.

Now that I’ve accomplished what I wanted with my education and the career that I chose (which I am not totally happy about), I am not sure what is next for me.

The not knowing “what is next” has been a bit hard for me because for some time in my 20s, I had it all “figured out”

Now that I am in my 30s, there is a part of me that feels like I need to figure it out first before I pursue the “next thing”

I am not sure what I really want.

I am not sure what my “big vision” is.

Sure, I have different ideas, but I still feel uncertain.

And truthfully, sometimes I feel unsure of who I really am anymore.

Then, I am reminded that I don’t need to figure it out in order for me to pursue a new path for myself.

The “figuring out” is in the doing, creating, and living.

It’s in the taking it one step at a time.

There is only so much figuring out we can do mentally.

And, I do believe there is power in self-reflection but eventually we will need to actually go out and try the things we are passionate, interested, or curious about OR try something totally new even if we feel unsure.

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