Nature Never Fails

I’ve been really frustrated with my job this week for reasons I won’t share. But, when I feel this way I tend to overthink a lot. So since last week, I’ve been thinking about the things that are bothering me at work over and over and over again.

I’ve come a long way in dealing with my anxiety. Over the past few years, I’ve learned new ways of dealing with anxiety which I won’t get into in this blog post (maybe I can save that for a separate post). But something that I’ve noticed that helps is being outside in nature. 

Nature Never Fails

“Nature never fails” is what I said to my friend today while we were walking inside of a big beautiful park. I said this because I can tell how better I felt as a result of spending time in nature. I can’t pinpoint what it is. However, I am sure it’s the mixture of body movement, the sunlight, and breathing fresh air that helps ground me and take the pressure off my mind. 

I can say this for almost every single time I’ve gone outside for a walk when I was struggling mentally. I experience so much relief. I feel in tune and in touch with what’s around me. 

While there are times when my overthinking wants to creep in while I am outside and all my thoughts come back when I am home again, I am grateful to find moments of freedom and release when I am in nature. 

So as I was home overthinking (LOL!) and getting ready for the week ahead, I had this idea of writing this blog post to share how nature never fails just cause. 

So in case anyone is reading this…

If you are struggling with your mental health, go outside into nature somewhere without your phone and notice how you feel either during or afterwards. The key thing is to try your best to be present with what is around you. Notice the trees, flowers, grass and/or people. Feel the wind on your skin. Listen to the birds. Use your 5 senses. 

Thank you for reading <3

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